Sequence of Work or Construction for a Framed Structure

     Hello, Welcome to "The Civil Engineer". I am very passionate about Civil Engineering if so this is the right website for you. In this article, I am going to explain the "Sequence of Work" that needs to be followed while constructing a frame structure. You may ask me who you are man. I am a Civil Engineer with 9+ years of experience in the Civil Engineering and Construction industry.

    So Let's Dig into the Sequence of  Work or Construction for framed structures. Before we get into it You need to be clear with the difference between the Framed Structure and Load Bearing Structure. A Framed Structure Consists of Elements like Columns, Beams, and Slabs. Whereas in Load bearing structure all the loads will be transferred to the ground through Walls. 

    Load load-bearing structure we used in the olden days. But nowadays all Structures are made as Framed Structures. Framed Structure Consists of the Following members Footing, Column, Beams, and Slabs. Through all these structures the loads will be transferred to the ground. Let me explain to you the load transfer mechanism in the framed structure with an example. Now, let us assume you are standing on the first floor of your home( your home is a framed structure). Your weight/load will initially be transferred to the RCC Slab (Reinforced Cement Concrete) from there the load will be transferred to the RCC Beams then to the RCC Column and then to the Footing from there finally it reaches the Ground. In Simple Terms,

    Load/Weight  to Slab to Beam to Column to Footing to Ground

 The sequence of Work for the RCC Framed Structure


    Excavation is the First step in the Construction of the Framed Structure. Excavation needs to be done until we get the Hard strata. Because the base of the footing needs to be hard and firm to prevent the settlement of the footing due to the applied load. If we keep the footing at the loose strata there is a risk of settlement of the structure.

Shaping of Pit

    The Pit or the excavated part of the earth needs to be shaped or conditioned in such a way that the soil above or the side part of the pit doesn't slide & fall into the pit and get filled again. If it happens again we need to clear the soil, hence there will be a loss of Labour as well as the time of the project.

Anti-Termite Treatment(ATT)

    ATT needs to be provided on the earth below the footing. Why we are providing ATT because termites are not interested in concrete but they can use your footing as a means to reach the woodwork of your building. That's why we are providing ATT.

Sand Filling

    Sand filling acts as a cushion layer and the sand will be treated with  ATT to provide extra protection for the structure from termites.

Plain Cement Concrete(PCC)

    A layer of PCC needs to be provided next to the Sand Filling this prevents the Footing from direct contact with the ground and also provides a solid base or firm base below the footing.

Formwork for Footing

    The Formwork of the footing with their respective sizes needs to be made and fixed.

Footing Reinforcement

    The Reinforcement of the footing needs to be fabricated and placed in position.

Benchmark and Pier Fixing

    The Column in case of a small structure and the Pier in case of a large structure need to be positioned accurately with the help of a surveyor. Equipment like Total Station can be used for the accurate marking of the columns. Before this, the Column steel needs to be fabricated and needs to get ready for erection. The Steel Cutting length needs to be made in such a way that further lapping of the main rods of the column is possible.

Footing Concrete

    Now, Concrete needs to be poured into the footing to make the Steel of the column get fixed permanently.

Formwork for Pedestal Column

    The Pedestal Column is part of the Column that is below the Ground level or up to the Basement if a basement for the structure is provided. The Formwork needs to be made with the appropriate cover blocks to provide a concrete cover over the steel reinforcement so that the steel won't come in direct contact with the atmosphere which will lead to corrosion of steel.

 Concreting of Pedestal Column

    The Pedestal Column is now ready for concrete. While Concreting you need to make sure that the specification and quality of the concrete is perfect. Like Grade of Concrete, Workability, etc. The Most important thing that you need to do while Getting concrete from the RMC plant or it is prepared on the site using labor "Cube Test" is essential. Because without it you can't able to whether the Concrete will take up the desired load or not.

Curing of the pedestal

    The Pedestal column needs to be cured with water. If we use gunny bags it will benefit more than normal curing with water, because the gunny bags can retain the water for a longer period which helps in the better availability of water for the chemical reaction of the concrete.

Grade beam or plinth Beam Formwork

    Now after we have done away with all the curing stuff we need to prepare the foam work of the grade beam. The Foam work was made in such a way that the formwork won't get loosened while concreting since it will lead to a lot of loss of concrete which affects the profitability of the project. Proper support for the formwork must be provided at regular intervals to prevent this.

Grade Beam Reinforcement

    While the Grade beam foam work is going on we need to make sure that the steel or the reinforcement for the grade beam is fabricated on the site and ready for erection when the foam work is done. After the erection of the grade beam reinforcement is done. It's time for Concreting.

Grade Beam Concrete 

    Before Concreting is done, the foam work needs to be checked for any defects like leakages,  improper joints, improper support, etc.,. Once that is finished, Before, Concrete with RMC(Ready mix Concrete) or Manual Mix Concrete some Concrete Cubes were made with the concrete that is going to be used. These cubes need to be tested whether they achieve the desired strength after curing.

Filling of Basement

 The basement needs to be filled with gravel for residential structures or it may be used as a parking space if it is a commercial building.

PCC for Basement

    The Basement needs to be finished with PCC to get a solid surface and to get a smooth leveled surface over the basement. PCC is used in the case of a residential building or the basement of the building is filled up. In the case of  Large commercial spaces, the top of the basement is usually covered with a concrete slab where there is no need for a PCC layer.

Column Shoe Marking & Casting

    The Column shoes or in some cases the Starter concrete for the column need to be marked with the help of the surveyor and then it needs to be cast in perfect sizes with the specific desired grade same as that of the column concrete.    

Column Reinforcement

  The reinforcement of the column needs to be done with proper lapping as per the specification need to be done.

Column Formwork

  After all the required reinforcements were provided the reinforcements need to be covered with column formwork or stuttering without any leakages or improper supports.

Column concrete

  After Foamwork is completed and checked for any defect if any is rectified, the concrete needs to be poured into the column with proper compaction with the help of a vibrator to prevent segregation in concrete.

Roof Slab formwork

    Then the formwork for the roof slab needs to be done in such a way there are no defects in it. Packing tape needs to be provided to seal the gap between the joints of the sheets or plywood of the formwork. The formwork of the beam needs to be finished first and then the slab needs to be done, The beam is first finished because it will provide us with a sense of the boundary of the roof slab formwork. While doing the roof slab foam work the lapping of the first floor column needs to be done.

Roof Slab Reinforcement

    The roof slab reinforcement i.e. the beam reinforcement needs to be fabricated in the site before or during the formwork of the roof beam reinforcement. The reinforcement needs to be made in such a way that they are ready to get erected in the roof slab formwork.

Roof slab concrete

  After all the reinforcement works are done concrete of the roof slab will be done with proper slopes with screed concrete wherever required.

The repeated sequence

  Once the concreting is done all sequences from column reinforcement need to be repeated again further up to the roof slab of the required number of floors. Once this is completed. The total frame of the structure is completed. Now we can move on to the Blockwork or Brickwork of the structure.

Brick or Block Work

    After the roofs are over the block or the brickwork of the structure needs to be done. While doing block or brickwork the shifting of the material to the required area is the most time-consuming process, We need to make arrangements for the shifting as well as for the mixing of the mortar. The same process is repeated until all the floors are completed along with the openings for the joineries.

Plastering Work

    Plastering is very important in construction because it will give you a sense of evenness for the wall. It helps us to fill the joint between the block or the bricks. It also helps us to prevent the algae formation in the bricks.

Tiles or Flooring

    Once the Plastering is complete. The tiles or in some case it may be granite or in some case, it may be marble. All these were laid to have a smooth and neat finish for the floor. In Toilets, the floors were treated with a waterproofing agent to prevent leakage of water.


    Painting is the final stage of work in the construction of a building. In painting, there are various kinds of, like interior and exterior painting. We need to choose the choice of painting accordingly.

