Role of Quantity Surveyor

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Who is a Quantity Surveyor(QS) in Construction?

    A Quantity Surveyor is a "Jack of all Trades", Kind of a person in construction. They deal with all the stages of a project from Planning to the Completion of the project. If you want to know more about QS career hierarchy check out our article "Is Quantity Surveying a Good Career". In this article, we extensively dedicated to the responsibilities of a quantity surveyor.

Responsibilities of Quantity Surveyor in Construction

    The following are the responsibilities of quantity surveyors they will do any one of the below tasks or multiple tasks based on the nature of the organization in which they are working. But as a quantity surveyor, they need to know at least the basics of all this to shine in their career. This versatility of this career makes QS a valuable asset in the construction industry.

Preparation of Bill of Quantities

    As a quantity surveyor, this is your responsibility to take the quantities of each and everything in the project like concrete, steel, blockwork brickwork, etc. Virtually before the execution, you need to take all the quantities of the project. We can say you virtually construct the building using the measurement using the Structural and  Architectural drawings.

Material & Labor Calculation

    After the quantities are ready how much of the material is required to complete the project is also in your hands. Let's say for example the concrete quantity of the project is 100. Then you need to find and tell your team about how much RMC is required or if they are going to do it manually then you need to tell them how many cement bags are required to complete the task. In the same manner, you need to calculate and your team how much materials are required for each and every work along with the labor needed to complete the work.

Budget Calculation with Rate Analysis

    Once you finish the Material Calculation you need to do the rate analysis for the project with the current market price of the material and labor. So by arriving at each and every item you finally arrive at the budget for the whole project.

Negotiating and analyzing costs for tenders and contracts

    As a Qs you need to finalize the rates for the contracts work on behalf of the organization and to release the work order for the respective contractors.


    After the completion of the works by the contractors you need to release the bills for payment after verification with the help of other teams in the organization like quality control etc.,

     In the above responsibilities, every QS starts with the responsibility of  Quantity take and over some time they will move up in the career ladder with the contracts.

    To have an edge over in your career as a QS, there are some software that you need to be familiar with which we explain in the article "What is the software that a Quantity Surveyor needs to be familiar"


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