Labor Estimate for Construction

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   Manpower is one of the important components of the construction industry. Without proper and sufficient labor you can't be able to complete the project on time with good quality. Hence Labor force calculation becomes very crucial for better construction. Labor or Manpower is required in various stages and each stage demands different types of combinations of Labor such as,

  1. Excavation
  2. Backfilling
  3. PCC
  4. RCC
  5. Brick Masonry
  6. Paving and Floor Finish
  7. Solid Block work Masonry
  8. Concrete Flooring
  9. Tile Flooring
  10. Tile Skirting
  11. Plastering
  12. Painting
  13. Steel Reinforcement.

  Here the Labor was calculated and given in the format. For example, if we say 0.5 unskilled male labor is needed to complete the work, then we need half a day i.e. per day 8 hours of work hence 4 hours of unskilled male labor is required to complete the work.


  Skilled Male labor - Mason

  Unskilled Male labor - Mazdoor

  Unskilled Female Labor - Mate

  Waterman - Bhisti


   Excavation is the digging of holes or pits either by using machinery or using manpower for the foundation of the building or the structure. Excavation of the soil has various types within it such as soft and hard soil. Each requires a different kind of manpower if it is purely done with manpower the man varies accordingly.

   Labor for Excavation of Soft soil / Loose soil

   For the Excavation of trenches in soft or loose soil up to a depth and width of not exceeding 1.5 meters ( Up to 5 feet) and for the excavation of Shafts, wells, cesspits and the like not exceeding 10 sqm (107.6 sqft ) area in plan up to the depth of 1.5meter ( up to 5 Feet) and removal the same about 1 meter ( 3.28 feet) from the edge we need 0.5 unskilled Male Labor and 0.05 unskilled female labor.


   In terms of Quantity, To excavate 1 cum or 35.314 ft of soft soil up to the depth of 1.5 meters ( 5 feet) and shift the same for 1 meter ( 3.28 feet) we need 0.5 unskilled Male labor and 0.05 unskilled female labor.

   Additional Labor of 0.08 unskilled male labor and 0.01 unskilled female labor need to be provided beyond the depth of 1.5 meters ( 5 feet) up to 3 meters ( 10 feet) for the excavation of Soft soil.

   Labor for Excavation of Hard Soil / Dense Soil

   For the excavation of hard soil up to the depth of .5 meters ( up to 5 feet) and removal of the same up to 1 meter from the edge requires 0.62 unskilled male labor and 0.06 unskilled female labor.

   In terms of Quantity, To excavate 1 cum or 35.314 ft of Hard soil up to the depth of 1.5 meters (5 feet) and shift the same for 1 meter (3.28 feet) we need 0.62 unskilled male labor and 0.06 unskilled female labor. 

   Additional Labor of 0.11 unskilled male labor and 0.01 unskilled female labor need to be provided beyond the depth of 1.5 meters ( 5 feet) up to 3 meters ( 10 feet) for the excavation of Hard soil.


   For the Returning, filling, and ramming of excavated earth in layered of not exceeding 20 cm (3/4 inch ) in depth, watering, well ramming, and leveling from lead (Distance between starting and ending point) up to 50m ( 164 feet) we need 0.25 unskilled male labor, 0.02 unskilled female labor, and 0.02 waterman.

  In terms of Quantity, we need 0.25 unskilled male labor, 0.02 unskilled female labor, and 0.02 waterman for backfilling 1 cum or 35.314 ft in the above-prescribed format.


For Hand Mixing only

   For PCC with 40mm aggregate if it prepared my means of Hand mix and the lead from the point of Concrete mix preparation to the deposit of concrete is assumed to be 30 meters ( 98 feet ) then for this work of concrete preparation we need 1 unskilled labor and 0.1 watermen to complete 1 cum or 35.314 ft of concrete.

For Hand Mixing as well as pouring in Foundation levels

   For PCC to complete the work of 1 cum or 1 ft of concrete we need 0.10 Skilled Male labor, 2.13 Unskilled Male labor, and 0.7 Unskilled female labor for Hand Mix concrete.

For Mixer Machine Mix as well as pouring of PCC concrete

   For the completion of 1 cum or 35.314 ft of Machine Mixed PCC we need 0.10 Skilled Male labor, 1.63 Unskilled Male labor, 0.7 Waterman, 0.07 Mixer operator, 0.07 Mixer, and 0.07 Vibrator.

Reinforced Cement Concrete

For Mixing through a Mixer Machine and Pouring concrete in Roofs/Slabs

   To do concreting in the roofs or slabs we need 0.24 Skilled Male Labor, 2.50 Unskilled Male Labor, 0.90 watermen, 0.07 Mixer Operator, 0.07 Mixer, and 0.07 Vibrator for concreting 1 cum or 35.314 ft of concrete. This labor/workforce excludes the formwork and reinforcement.

For Mixing through a Mixer Machine and Pouring concrete in Chajjas ( Ex: Window Sunshade)

   To do 1Cum or 35.314cft of concreting works of chajjas up to 15cm thick we need 0.3 Skilled Male labor, 3.5 unskilled male labor, 0.9 waterman, 0.10 mixer operator, 0.10 mixer and 0.1 vibrator. All the above labor is for concrete only which means the above is exclusive of Formwork and Reinforcement.

For Mixing through a Mixer Machine and Pouring concrete in Beams

   To do 1Cum or 35.314cft of concreting works of Beams we need 0.2 Skilled Male labor, 3 unskilled male labor, 0.9 waterman, 0.07 mixer operator, 0.07 mixer, and 0.07 vibrator. All the above labor is for concrete only which means the above is exclusive of Formwork and Reinforcement.

For Mixing through a Mixer Machine and Pouring concrete in Columns / Pillars on the Ground Floor

   To do 1Cum or 35.314cft of concreting works of column/pillars on the ground floor we need 0.23 Skilled Male labor, 3.5 unskilled male labor, 0.9 waterman, 0.1 mixer operator, 0.1 mixer and 0.1 vibrator. All the above labor is for concrete only which means the above is exclusive of Formwork and Reinforcement.

For Mixing through a Mixer Machine and Pouring concrete in Stairs

   To do 1Cum or 35.314cft of concreting works of stairs we need 0.3 Skilled Male labor, 4.3 unskilled male labor, 0.9 waterman, 0.07 mixer operator, 0.07 mixer, and 0.07 vibrator. All the above labor is for concrete only which means the above is exclusive of Formwork and Reinforcement.

Brick Masonry

   Before going further all the Brickwork needs the same amount of labor for mixing the cement mortar needed to complete the work such as to produce 1 Cum or 35.314 Cft of Cement Mortar we need 0.75 Unskilled Male labor and 0.07 Waterman.

More than one brick-thick Wall ( Ex: Main wall / External Wall of Building)

   To do the Brick Masonry of 1 Cum or 35.314 Cft of the above specification we need 0.94 Skilled Male Labor, 1.80 Unskilled Male Labor, and 0.20 Waterman. The given labor includes the labor needed for scaffolding. The same labor is applicable for with or without sill reinforcement/hoop iron reinforcement. But Labor for mixing mortar needs to be added extra.

One brick-thick Wall ( Ex: Partition Wall Wall of Building)

   To do the Brick Masonry of 1 Cum or 35.314 Cft of the above specification we need 0.25 Skilled Male Labor, 0.40 Unskilled Male Labor, 0.10 Waterman. The given labor includes the labor needed for scaffolding. The same labor is applicable for with or without sill reinforcement/hoop iron reinforcement. But Labor for mixing mortar needs to be added extra.

Half brick thick wall ( Ex: 4.5 inch wall)

    To do the Brick Masonry of 1 sqm or 10.76 sqft of the above specification we need 0.12 Skilled Male Labor, 0.20 Unskilled Male Labor, and 0.07 Waterman/Women. The given labor includes the labor needed for scaffolding. The same labor is applicable for with or without sill reinforcement/hoop iron reinforcement. But Labor for mixing mortar needs to be added extra.


For Rectangular Columns and Walls

   To do the fabrication and erection of 1 sqm or 10.76 sqft with all supports, Struts, braces, etc., and dressing with oil as cleaning of formwork for rectangular columns and walls we need 0.25 carpenter and 0.2 unskilled male labor.

For Suspended floors/roofs

   To do the fabrication and erection of 1 sqm or 10.76 sqft with all supports, Struts, braces, etc., and dressing with oil as cleaning of formwork for suspended floors or roofs we need 0.23 carpenter and 0.2 unskilled male labor.

For the sides and soffits of beams

   To do the fabrication and erection of 1 sqm or 10.76 sqft with all supports, Struts, braces, etc., and dressing with oil as cleaning of formwork for sides and soffits of beams we need 0.3 carpenters and 0.2 unskilled male labor.


   To do fabrication and erection of 1 Quintal or 100 kilograms of bar reinforcement including cutting to length, hooked ends, cranking or bending, hoisting and placing in any position, binding with binding wire, and holding firmly so as not to be disturbed while placing and ramming of concrete we need 1 Bar-bender and 1 Unskilled male labor.

Plastering and Pointing


Ceiling Plaster

   To do the plaster work of 1 sqm or 10.76 sqft of 15mm thick cement plaster to ceiling including mixing of mortar we need 0.08 Skilled male labor, 0.10 Unskilled male labor, and 0.1 waterman.   

Exterior Wall Plaster

   To do the plaster work of 1 sqm or 10.76 sqft of 15mm thick cement plaster to the exterior wall including mixing of mortar we need 0.06 Skilled male labor, 0.10 Unskilled male labor, and 0.1 waterman.   

Exterior Wall Plaster with Marble Powder or Stone Grit

   To do the plaster work of 1 sqm or 10.76 sqft of 15mm thick ( 10mm cement sand plaster and 5mm cement mortar with marble powder or stone grit) including mixing of mortar we need 0.15 Skilled male labor, 0.15 Unskilled male labor and 0.15 waterman.  

Interior Wall Plaster on Brick Walls

   To do the plaster work of 1 sqm or 10.76 sqft of 15mm thick for the interior wall including mixing of mortar we need 0.08 Skilled male labor, 0.10 Unskilled male labor, and 0.10 waterman.

Struct pointing to brickwork

   To do struct pointing to brickwork in cement mortar including mixing mortar we need 0.08 Skilled labor, 0.10 unskilled male labor, and 0.10 Waterman.  

Tuckpointing to brickwork

   Tuck pointing to random rubble masonry in cement mortar including mixing mortar we need 0.10 Skilled labor, 0.15 unskilled male labor, and 0.10 Water-man.  

Paving and Floor Finish

Laying of PCC of 40mm Thick

   For the Laying of PCC 40mm thick in alternate bays with side forms and templates and finished smooth we need 0.08 Skilled Male labor, 0.12 Unskilled male labor, and 0.10 Water-man. Labor for mixing of concrete need to be added extra.

Laying of PCC of 25mm Thick

   For the Laying of PCC 25mm thick in alternate bays with side forms and templates and finished smooth we need 0.07 killed Male labor, 0.10 Unskilled male labor, and 0.10 Water-man. Labor for mixing of concrete need to be added extra.

For 40mm thick Terrazzo Flooring

   Laying of 40mm thick terrazzo flooring where first 30mm thick cement concrete and top layer 10mm thick marble chips laid in the cement with dividing strips of glass metal or asbestos to form bays.


  For Laying 1 sqm or 10.76 sqft we need 0.22 Skilled male labor, 0.22 Unskilled male labor, and 0.10 Waterman.

  For Cutting, Grinding, and Polishing 1 Sqm or 10.76 sqft we need 0.5 Unskilled male labor and 0.40 Cutting machine.

For 30mm thick Terrazzo Flooring

   Laying of 40mm thick terrazzo flooring where first 20mm thick cement concrete and top layer 10mm thick marble chips laid in the cement with dividing strips of glass metal or asbestos to form bays.


  For Laying 1 sqm or 10.76 sqft we need 0.12 Skilled male labor, 0.20 Unskilled male labor, and 0.10 Waterman.

  For Cutting, Grinding, and Polishing 1 Sqm or 10.76 sqft we need 0.5 Unskilled male labor and 0.40 Cutting machine.


Damp proofing course 40mm thick

 For laying of damp proof course of 40mm thick cement concrete including formwork and fair finishing to edges and mixing we need. 0.10 Mason, 0.1 Mazdoor, and 0.01 Bhisti for completion of 1 cum.

Damp proofing course 20mm


 For laying a Damp proof course of 20mm thick cement mortar with an integral waterproofing compound including mixing we need 0.1 Mason, 0.1 Mazdoor, and 0.1 Bhisti(Waterman) for the completion of 1 cum.


   To Complete 1 cum of Door and window Chokhats(Frame) by using coniferous and teak wood that is wrought and rebated we need 20 carpenters and 2 mazdoor.

  To Complete 1 sqm of Paneled / Glazed joinery in coniferous and teak wood 30 to 40mm thick framed with panels or space left out for glass or fixing of mesh wire (with tensioned joints) we need 0.9 carpenters and 0.10 Mazdoor.

  Fixing of 1 sqm of readymade shutters to frames including fixing of fittings we need 0.25 carpenter and 0.25 Mazdoor.


   To fix 1 cum pane on steel or woodwork bedded with putty we need 0.2 Glazier and 0.01 Mazdoor.

Painting and polishing

   To Complete 1 sqm French polishing Complete including a coat of wood filler on new work we need 0.35 painter.

Whitewash and Colour washing (For Walls and Flat ceilings)

   To Complete 1 sqm of 3 coats of whitewashing with lime on a new surface we need 0.02 washer and 0,01 mazdoor.

  To Complete 1 sqm of 2 coats of color wash over an undercoat of whitewash on new work we need we need 0.03 washer and 0.01 mazdoor.

  To Complete 1 sqm of distempering with dry distemper 3 coats on new surface including a priming coat we need 0.08 painter and 0.04 mazdoor.

  To complete 1 sqm of cement-based paint 2 or more coats of new work ( for each coat) we need 0.15 painter, 0.01 Mazdoor, and 0.10 Bhisti.

  To Complete 1 sqm of cement wash one coat on new work we need 0.02 washer.

Terraced Roofing 


    To Complete 1 sqm of 10cm Thick(average) mud Phuska of clay mixed with Bhusa at 8kg per cum of clay on roofs laid to slope and consolidated we need 0.01 Mason, 0.20 Mazdoor, and 0.01 Bhisti.

    To Complete 1 sqm of 10mm thick mud plaster and GOBRI sleeping with mud GOBRI mortar over mud paska we need 0.01 Mazdoor

    To Complete 1 sqm of One layer of tile brick laid over GOBRI sleeping and grouted with cement mortar including mixing and finishing neat we need 0.12 Mason, 0.15 Mazdoor, and 0.1 Bhisti

    To Complete 1 sqm of Laying, Beating, and finishing of lime concrete terracing comprising of lime, surki, brick ballast - 20mm and down average consolidated thickness 10cm, finished with gur and begin treatment we need 0.17 mason, 0.30 mazdoor, and 0.15 Bhisti



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