Pointing in Masonary

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  In this article, I am going to share with you one of the important and hidden work that needs to be done before the plastering is done on a masonry wall. Yes, that is what is called pointing and we are going to explain its types.

What is Pointing

   When you build a wall with bricks or by using stones we use mortar between them to hold them together. But these mortar won't completely cover the joints between the bricks so we need to do some additional work to to fill the gap between the two bricks by using the mortar. The process of filling the gaps is known as pointing.

Why Pointing is needed

   Pointing is essential to prevent the penetration of water into the wall at the same time to have a smooth and neat wall that is ready for plastering works. the unfilled joints in the wall may lead to seepage of the wall during the rainy season or it may lead to crack formation shortly. So pointing is very important to have a very good workmanship in the brickwork.

Different types of pointing

    There are various types of pointing such as

  1. Flush Pointing
  2. Weathered pointing
  3.  Keyed Pointing
  4. V- Grooved pointing
  5. Struck pointing
  6. Recessed pointing  

Flush Pointing

   Flush pointing is the technique in which the cement mortar is filled between the joints of the bricks to have a very flush or flat wall without any dents in the wall.

Weathered Pointing

   Weathered pointing is a modified form of flush pointing in which the pointing is inclined and the top of the pointing is less thick than the lower one which means the thickness of the pointing of the groove in the upper part is lower than that of the lower part. So the pointing is made with an angle. This type of weathered pointing helps to prevent rainwater from entering the wall since the inclined pointing will ultimately make the rainwater fall into the ground. But weathered pointing is very difficult to achieve.

Keyed Pointing / Concave Pointing

   In Keyed pointing the joint is first filled with mortar-like flush pointing after that a thin steel is pressed against the joints throughout the length of the joints so that an arched groove is created in the mortar.

V-Grooved pointing

   This grooved pointing is made in a similar way as keyed pointing was made but instead of making an arched groove with steel, a V-shaped groove is made between the joints. That groove may be projected outwards or inwards.

Struct pointing

   The Struck pointing is an inverse of the weathered pointing in which the pointing is inclined but the lower part of the pointing is less thick than the upper part of the joint. So they are not weatherproof they may allow rainwater to seep into the walls but aesthetically they will provide you with one of the best good-looking walls. 

Recessed Pointing

   Recessed pointing is where you after a flush pointing before it gets dry take away at least 5mm to 10mm of the mortar from the groove so that the pointing will go deeper. The brick edges were seen as projected outwards from the pointed surface which gives a good aesthetic view for the wall.  

Advantage of Pointing

  1. Pointing helps us to protect the wall from weather such as rain water etc.,
  2. It also helps in increasing the durability of the building walls hence the lifespan of the walls gets extended.
  3. When pointing is done properly on a regular interval it helps to preserve the aesthetic nature of your building hence it indirectly increases the value of your property. 
  4. Pointing will.

Disadvantage of Pointing

  1. If you do point you can't get the smooth surface that you have expected to do the painting works.
  2. Painting the surface will become somewhat difficult
  3. Pointing can't be done on the inner side of the building
  4. If you residence in a place of high rainfall pointing can't be done or it is not advisable as it may lead to a greater amount of seepage in the walls
  5. if pointing is not done properly it may lead to cracks which will affect the aesthetics of your building.


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