what is rcc

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    In this article, I will explain " what is RCC ".

What is RCC? | RCC full form

RCC Concrete

    RCC literally abbreviated as Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC) means the concrete gets reinforced with Steel in the form of steel rods or any other form. This is widely used in the framed structure of so many places in construction like the footing, Columns, Beams and Slabs.

Why Steel is used along with Concrete?

Steel used for Reinforcement in RCC

    You see, Concrete has a very high Compression strength but it is very weak in tension. So to increase the tensile strength of the concrete reinforcement is used in places where the tension is greater.

Where will the Compression and Tension be in a Structural member?

    Nowadays everybody moved to the Framed structure which means, take your own home/ house have you seen your home under construction or the photos of the construction process of your building, you may notice that it has footings, Columns, Beams and Slabs all these were collectively called as frame of a structure. The Bricks used in between were just used for partition of the rooms.

    But in the old days, if you ask your grandparents or houses in villages still exist in some places, there will be no footing, Columns, Beams or Slabs. They only have walls but are more than one foot in width. So the entire load of the building gets transferred through the wall the are known as load load-bearing section.

What is the Grade of RCC?

    RCC can be made in different grades based on our requirements. The grade of Concrete can be classified as Nominal Mix ( M5 to M20) and Design Mix ( M25 and above). The difference between the nominal mix and the design mix is that nominal mixes can be produced by mixing by hand or using mixer machines in small batches since the compressive strength is not affected much. The design mixes can only be made in the Concrete batching plants in large volumes in special proportions of the ingredients for that particular specialized work.

Ratio of  Concrete

    Each grade of concrete has a specific ratio that can be used for a particular purpose. The Ratio of each grade of concrete are given below,

  1. M5 - 1:5:10 ( Cement: Sand: Aggregate) - Used For Non-structural Components - Like levelling beds.
  2. M 7.5 - 1:4:8 - Used for Fence Posts and Garden Walls
  3. M 10 - 1:3:6 - Used for Pavement and driveways to support pedestrians and Light Vehicles and Footing PCC
  4. M15 - 1:2:4 - Used for Flooring and Other PCC works
  5. M20 - 1:1.5:3 - Used for Residential Construction and Low Rise Buildings
  6. M25 - 1:1:2 - Used for Construction of Reinforced Members of Column and Beams of small to medium-sized buildings.
  7. M30 - 1:0.75:1.5 - Used for Raod Construction projects requiring resistance to heavy traffic and Resistance to weather conditions such as Concrete walls like shear walls etc., 
  8. M35 - 1:0.5:1 - Used mostly in Pavement and road construction due to its heavy flexural strength
  9. M40 - 1:0.25:0.5 - Used mostly in Pre-Stressed members such as Footing, Column, Beams and Slabs.
What are the materials required for the preparation of RCC concrete?

    So simply it is the same as the PCC materials like Cement, Sand and aggregate in addition to that steel will placed before casting the structural member. If you want to know about PCC check out my blog article " What is PCC in Constriction ". So for RCC, we need  -  Cement, Sand - Mostly M.Sand nowadays and Aggregate of the required size mostly 20mm. The requirement of materials for 1 cum varies depending on the grade of concrete. So I am going to give you the complete list.
  1. M5 - 1:5:10 ( Cement: Sand: Aggregate) - 2.7 bags: 0.46 cum: 0.95 cum
  2. M 7.5 - 1:4:8 - 3.3 bags: 0.46 cum: 0.92 cum
  3. M 10 - 1:3:6 -  4.3 bags: 0.45 cum: 0.9 cum - This is mainly used for the PCC just for your info.
  4. M15 - 1:2:4 - 6.2 bags: 0.43 cum: 0.86 cum 
  5. M20 - 1:1.5:3 - 8 bags: 0.4 cum: 0.82 cum
  6. M25 - 1:1:2 - 10.8 bags: 0.38 cum: 0.75 cum
  7. M30 - 1:0.75:1.5 - 13.39  bags: 0.35 cum: 0.7 cum
  8. M35 - 1:0.5:1 - 17.28 bags: 0.3 cum: 0.6 cum
  9. M40 - 1:0.25:0.5 - 24.69 bags: 0.21 cum: 0.43 cum
What will be the labour required for the casting of concrete?

People working of Laying of RCC

    I am going to tell you how much labour is required for the completion of 1 cum of concrete under various Conditions,

Labour Required for Foundation, Footing, Bases of Column using Mixer machine

    The Labour that I am going to mention will be for casting 1 cum of concrete which means it includes Mixing, Pouring, Consolidation and Curing excluding formwork and reinforcement.
  1. Mason - 0.17 Nos
  2. MC - 2 Nos
  3. Fc - 0.9 Nos
  4. Mixer Operator - 0.07 Nos
  5. Mixer - 0.07 Nos
  6. Vibrator - 0.07 Nos
Labour Required for Column/Pillars using Mixer machine

    I am giving the labour required for the completing 1 cum of concrete with mixing, pouring, consolidation and curing excluding formwork and reinforcement in the ground floor for each floor rise we need to give additional labour for shifting of materials.
  1. Mason - 0.23 Nos
  2. MC - 3.5 Nos
  3. Fc - 0.9 Nos
  4. Mixer Operator - 0.1 Nos
  5. Mixer - 0.1 Nos
  6. Vibrator - 0.1 Nos
Labour Required for Beams using Mixer Machine 

    The below-given labour was for 1 cum of beam concrete completion excluding formwork and reinforcement.  This is for the ground floor, for higher floors, we need to add additional labour to shift Materials.
  1. Mason - 0.2 Nos
  2. MC - 3 Nos
  3. FC - 0.9 Nos
  4. Mixer Operator - 0.07 Nos
  5. Mixer - 0.07 Nos
  6. Vibrator - 0.07 Nos
Labour Required for Slabs using Mixer Machine

    The below-given labour was for 1 cum of Slab concrete completion excluding formwork and reinforcement.  This is for the ground floor, for higher floors, we need to add additional labour to shift Materials.
  1. Mason - 0.24 Nos
  2. MC - 2.5 Nos
  3. FC - 0.9 Nos
  4. Mixer Operator - 0.07 Nos
  5. Mixer - 0.07 Nos
  6. Vibrator - 0.07 Nos
Labour Required for Chajjas / Sunshade using Mixer Machine

    I am giving you the labour required for the completion of 1 cum of concrete of Chajjas/ sunshade up to 15cm in thickness excluding formwork and reinforcement. And this is for the ground floor, for higher floors, we need to increase the labour for shifting of materials.
  1. Mason - 0.3 Nos
  2. MC - 3.5 Nos
  3. FC - 0.9 Nos
  4. Mixer Operator - 0.1 Nos
  5. Mixer - 0.1 Nos
  6. Vibrator - 0.1 Nos
Rate Analysis

    With the above data, we could able to easily calculate the average rate required for the completion of the 1 cum of concrete for the project that we are going to work on. This may vary based on the location or the country based on the availability of materials and labour. Right now in my location, the average cost for the completion of 1 cum of concrete would be around INR - Rs.6054 for the Residential Builk project after adding contractor profit. If it is an individual house then the cost may rise to INR - Rs. 6781.


    So from the above, I believe that you will have a clear picture of what is rcc in constriction. See you in the next useful article on " www.thecivilengineer18.com ".

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