What is the minimum bar spacing in reinforced beams according to IS 456?

Hello there my friend, Reinforcement in concrete is very much important as they provide our structure to take care of the tensile stress due to the bending moment when load is applied. Since Concrete is very good at compression but really very bad in tension. Hence we provide reinforcement.

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So, In case of Beams the Main reinforcement runs along the length of the beam and these rods were tied together through the stirrups or ties.

As per IS 456 Chapter 26.3.3 Maximum Distance between bars in tension for Beams( Table 15) according to there moment of resistance (fy),

  1. If fy = 250 N/mm^2 , then the clear distance between the rods need to be 300mm (+ or - 30mm)
  2. If fy = 415 N/mm^2 , then the clear distance between the rods need to be 180mm (+ or - 30mm)
  3. if fy - 500 N/mm^2, then the clear distance between the rods need to be 150mm (+ or - 30mm).

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