Why is concrete the preferred material for footings in construction projects?

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As we all know that concrete is very very good at compression but vey very bad to withhold tension. Before answering the question let me explain you some basics.

How Load get transferred in a Building?

If you are in your home or apartment, just see below you legs, the place on which you are standing is called the Floor. So all the loads you body weight, you bed, sofa and you favorite pet everything on floor exerts a load on the floor.

Load transfer mechanism in Buildings,

Floor -> Beams -> Columns -> Footing -> Ground/ Earth.

Here is the answer that you need?

Footing is the final point where all the loads reach a building before it transferred into the ground. Hence, the compression will be very much higher in footing. Hence concrete which is very good at compression is used as a preferred material for construction projects.

Hope this helps you, Share to those who need. Happy Learning!


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